Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rubbish, absolute rubbish. Well that's how I am feeling this morning. Ever have that feeling your eyes are going to pop if you let any light in? Fat chance anyone knows how I am feeling. You're all at work, pretending you have been anxiously waiting for Tuesday morning to make your boss the proudest mid-level manager in the world. Evil Peon!!

Anyway, I am in bed (my wife too) and I can not seem to wake up. I've said hi 10 times now and asks if I am not working today. Can't blame her, she has no idea her husband's eyes will pop if I let in more than one (1) ray of light. So, i flick an eyelid and say hi. My sight is in peril here, but I can't explain why to her, she'll snort and leave me for mad so I'll shoulder my burden alone. Jesus did, who am I not to? If she insists, I'll put my sight on the line for her.

What's eyesight anyway? An unrealistic sense that causes you to judge stuff wrong. I mean, people still fall down stairs, something blind people never do. Oh no, it's us and our overrated sight. Oh, that's a nice kitty, come here kitty, aaargh!! That's it fool, kitties are dangerous. If you hadn't seen it, you would not have tried to touch it, it follows then that you would not have been killed by kitty. So there you have it, I am going to open my eyes now and risk this hopelessly overrated sense.

Think about it, eyes just get you in trouble. Ever have a sweet dream. Well guess what, your eyes were closed while you had it. When you make love, guess what happens to your eyes when you climax, they shut, silly things; and when you kiss, the silly things are closed. I wont miss them at all. Goodbye left eye, I am opening you first, haha. I'll pop your friend last, Muhahahahaha!!

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