Thursday, October 8, 2009

Morning after

Haha, gotcha! Did my title get you going? Anyway, I had this huge sleep debt (with interest) I paid off last night. I slept 8 straight hours and through 11 missed calls from hyperactive revelers in Jinja, my wife (and daughter, I hope) and my herd of hooligans (friends if you like). Talk about debt relief :-)

Why is it that when you are introduced to a stranger, you say "pleased to meet you"? Sometimes, the guy is a totally unlikeable braggart with a DIY accent and he keeps telling you about his exploits with the fairer (!all the time) sex. How he slept with this or that guy's girl (You know George Karii, eh, his kyana sorted me out) and so on. I am talking about a guy I met and immensely disliked so I am pulling no stops in my hating. Anyway, I said I was pleased to meet him and retired to my lodgings. Just before I started paying off my debt, I thought about it and realized I shouldn't have said that. What if he thinks I was genuinely pleased to meet him and wants to be friends! Anyway, we will not meet again, if I can help it.

Meanwhile, I am listening to the king of autotune and I am having trouble putting any of the stuff he's rapping about into context. Going forward, I am getting a writing pad and writing down lyrics in the hope that I might find a relation between anything he says and humanity in general (the complexity is mind boggling, as if a cross between a huge jigsaw and understanding what drives the Munumuxian racial caste system*) for example "Getting mug from everybody who see, then hang over the wall of the VIP." Anyway, will report my findings one day because this looks like my new life's work. Mid next year, I'll start on a new lil wayne song (if I am done with this one by then)

Remember to love yourself first (n/a if you are dating/married/stark raving mad**)

*On the planet Munumux
Located in a galaxy far far far away, Munumux is a world about the size of the Earth with 41 moons and orbiting 12 suns (it is very hot on Munumux!) The native Munumuxians are graded by degree of tan so they spend all day outside basking in their suns. The elders are referred to as "Ashes" and they are at the top of the hierachy (they are also dead) and so on. I think an Earthling called Ragga dee or Magga Ree or something sang a song about them sometime.

Mad people can love anything above themselves (geckos, fruits, mirror images, the ozone layer, demonstrations etc)


Unknown said...

After paragraph two.... BLANK!

Princess said...


@ Ashy: His is an exciting kind of madness, no? :)

Mufere said...

Madness (sniffles), just parallel thought. It's the Yang for normal thought. It's lurking in your mind waiting (and begging for freedom); let it out or it'll bust out amistad style and take over :-( then everyone else will think you mad. Give us us free (no typo there)

Elle B said...

Darling, the late nights are showing but hung in there, you'll be okay. I like your Munumux theory. Terry Pratchet better watch hisself.